Inclusive language

Language can reinforce stereotypes, and lead to prejudice and discrimination. This means it is important to use inclusive language in your role as call operators.

  • Try to use gender-neutral language
  • This includes the use of pronouns. Pronouns are words we use to refer to people’s gender in conversation – for example, ‘he’ or ‘she’. Some people may prefer others to refer to them in gender neutral language and use pronouns such as they / their and ze / zir.
  • When it comes to pronouns, it is important to avoid assumptions which may cause offense.
  • Similarly, avoid using titles that denote marital status.
  • If someone has a name you find hard to pronounce, try your best to say it correctly. If you’re unsure on how to pronounce it, ask them to say it for you, and listen.
  • When in doubt, let individuals / groups of people guide you on their preferred language or terminology, but remember to be respectful.